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He launched The Joe Rogan Experience in 2009 by 2015, it was one of the most popular podcasts in the world, regularly receiving millions of plays per episode. , in 2000 and hosted the game show Fear Factor from 2001 to 2006.Īfter leaving Fear Factor, Rogan focused on his stand-up career and hosted more comedy specials. He released his first comedy special, I'm Gonna Be Dead Someday. In 1997, he started working for the UFC as an interviewer and color commentator. After relocating to Los Angeles in 1994, he signed an exclusive developmental deal with Disney and appeared as an actor on several television shows, including Hardball and NewsRadio. Rogan was born in Newark, New Jersey, and began his career in comedy in August 1988 in the Boston area. He hosts The Joe Rogan Experience, a podcast in which he discusses current events, comedy, politics, philosophy, science, and hobbies with a variety of guests. Joseph James Rogan (born August 11, 1967) is an American podcaster, Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) color commentator, comedian, actor, and former television presenter.

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